A look at the Indonesian elections and Politics...

Monday, 26 January 2009


It was bound to start sooner or later. The humbug is now on our TV screens and in the papers and magazines. President SBY's Democrat Party and its claims to have reduced fuel prices have already been discussed - the humbug element is that he raised them in the first place and that in neighboring Malaysia, according to Tempo magazine the other week, prices have been reduced not thrice but seven times...

Then there is the United Development Party (PPP). In the celebrations of its 36th anniversary on Saturday (24/1/09), party chairman Suryadharma Ali said, "the United Development Party was born because Indonesia's Moslems missed having a vehicle for their political struggles". Er... no. They had those in the pre-PPP Islamic parties. The PPP was born out of a desire by the authoritarian President Suharto to reduce the number of opponents. He forced all the Islamic parties to merge into the easily controllable PPP in 1971. This same PPP is now losing political ground to newer Islamic parties and is frantically scrambling for support - hence that masterpiece of misinformation from Ali.

One of the PPP's rivals is the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), a party with its support basis among urban Moslems. It seems to feel it should run ads, but isn't quite sure what to say. "We are Islamic"? - too risky - might want support from nationalist parties later on. "We are anti-corruption"? - been done before. Ok then, "we are jolly good" - which is what they seem to have settled on.

And the opportunity for large-scale humbug comes today - Chinese New Year. Already we have had ethnic Chinese on TV thanking President SBY and saying there is no discrimination any more. Er.. well it was President Megawati who lifted the ban on celebrations of Chinese New Year and frankly to say there is no discrimination is ludicrous. Meanwhile Pemiloopy hasn't seen a Democratic Party ad for Chinese New Year, but he is sure it exists. As for the Gerindra Party, its leader loathes the Chinese, so unless he thinks he can get votes by attacking them, he will probably stay quiet. The rest of the parties seem unsure what to do - court the ethnic Chinese vote or pander to racism among their supporters. Time will tell, but there will be plenty of humbug one way or another.

STOP PRESS: Well! Pemiloopy is almost beside himself having just watched a TV ad by the Gerindra Party in which the Chinese-hating Prabowo Subianto wishes voters "Kong Xi Fa Choi" - Happy Chinese New Year. Dear God, that must have stuck in his throat. Far be it for Pemiloopy to repeat unproved allegations about the alleged involvement of disgraced former general Prabowo in the organization of the riots and mass rapes of ethnic Chinese in Jakarta in May 1998, but that ad was breathtakingly hypocritical. If this was a spoken blog, you'd hear sputtering! It's like George W. Bush appealing to followers of Michael Moore; Golkar sucking up to communists; Nelson Mandela courting white supremists or Margaret Thatcher cosying up to Arthur Scargill (readers from other nations will have to come up with their own analogies...) Ha!

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