A look at the Indonesian elections and Politics...

Sunday, 7 September 2008


The fun has started. Party flags are everywhere. Oddities so far:

  • The General Elections Commission (KPU) has decided some of its members need to go overseas to tell expat Indonesians (all 1.6 million of them) about the elections. The fact that nobody in Indonesia seems to know much about them is due to the fact that the funds for the overseas jaunt were released first, before the domestic campaign funds...
  • After having to let four small (ie insignificant) parties participate in the election, thanks to a lawsuit, the KPU has been ordered by another court to let yet another join in the fun. However, according to the rules, the party in question doesn't actually meet the conditions for qualification. Hmmm. Parties contesting the election get state funding and judges are corrupt. Any connection..?

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