A look at the Indonesian elections and Politics...

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Name: Yudhoyono, S.B

Class: Javanese upper

Geography: His knowledge of Javanese geography enabled him to travel outside Jakarta on the day of the big demonstrations. His opportunistic traveling skills are developing well.

History: Poor performance. The recent banning of books about the 1965 army coup and Indonesia's colonization of West Papua show poor awareness of the need for truth-based history.

Economics: A good start, with the reappointment of Sri Mulyani as finance minister, but seems to have lost track of Rp6.7 trillion somewhere...

Biology: Poor awareness of animal conservation. Unable to help the defenseless anti-corruption gecko when attacked by the police crocodile.

Mathematics: Poor grasp of percentages. For example, apparently unaware that winning 60 percent of the vote in the election means there is no need for pussyfooting around.

Indonesian language: Does not really understand the meaning of words like "demokrasi", and takes criticism of him as dangerous.

Physics: Poor - appears to believe that water can be used as fuel. He was heard referring to this as "blue energy".

Overall: Yudhoyono is a promising pupil with an unfortunate tendency to become very easily distracted. His first 100 days were dominated by squabbles about corruption and a bank bailout, which meant he achieved almost nothing. Must do better.